Laser Lipo uses lasers to penetrate fat cells creating tiny holes in the membrane of the cell, causing them to release stored fatty acids as well as glycerol and water.
Fat Cavitation is a treatment that effectively reduces fat and cellulite in the selected areas using ultrasonic waves. This causes the walls of the fat cells to rupture, releasing the fatty liquid to be absorbed into the bloodstream for your body to process as waste.
This treatment is coupled with Radio Frequency which is the localized heating of a specific area. This triggers collagen and elastin production, tightening the skin immediately.
Vacuum suction stimulates lymphatic flow to flush dissolved fat cells as waste. Making the area smoother and more toned in appearance, stimulating the middle layers of skin for increased toning effects, and decreasing the appearance of cellulite .
Yes it’s safe. Laser Lipo, Fat Cavitation, Radio Frequency, and vacuum are all non-invasive treatments. There is no down-time associated with either part of the treatments and all are pain free.
It is recommended between 4-12 treatments.
Results are often noticed immediately, but you will notice definite results after the third treatment. Time of treatment will depend on how your body handles the release of toxins.
You can have treatments as close as 3 days apart, but no closer as the body needs time for the elimination process.
The treatment is not suitable for people who have the following:
· Pacemaker, heart problems, conditions such as Lupus or Herpes that are aggravated by heat, or Diabetes that can cause skin sensitivity of the skin.
· The treatment will be less effective for those who have compromised immune systems because the treatment depends on your bodies ability to heal itself.
Unlike the Brazilian butt lift, vacuum therapy (also known as vacuum therapy) is noninvasive and tones your tush without the use of incisions. Similar to a lymphatic drainage massage, vacuum butt therapy is a massaging technique that helps lift and contour the buttocks via a suction device equipped with glass or plastic cups. After a mini massage, two small suction cups are moved over the thigh and buttocks area, manipulating the tissue, then two larger suction cups are sealed over each side of the butt for approximately 30 minutes.
The process is said to improve lymphatic drainage, stimulate the muscles, break down and shift fat deposits, and stimulate the hypodermis, all of which combine to provide increased toning effects and give the appearance of a smoother, firmer, more lifted backside
We place the cups on the buttocks, leaving them fixed for a period of 40 minutes, keeping the pressure medium or low - according to patient comfort and the discretion of the therapist (this depends on the tone of the buttock) - and system using pulse frequency.
Vacuum therapy is a noninvasive procedure, so you can expect few to no side effects. However, you may feel slight pain and tightness after the procedure. Mild swelling can also occur.
Yes, you need to drink a gallon of water throughout the day of the treatment. I recommend 4-5 glasses of water before your treatment and 3-4 after your treatment to make sure all the toxics in your body that will be moved become flushed. Also you may feel sore just like working out or after a massage.
Some people with sensitive skin may bruise.
It is recommended between 4-12 treatments. Results are often noticed immediately, but you will notice definite results after the fourth treatment. Time of treatment will depend on how your body handles the release of toxins.
72 hours to 1 week apart for the duration of your series
The treatment is not suitable for people who have the following:
Women that are pregnant or breast feeding